zaterdag 24 november 2012


I find it very strange, that nowadays 'modern' people around the globe are uniting through the internet and are using electronic equipment such as tablets and laptops of whatever kind, to do so, but still believe that mankind had evolved from apes. From my point of view this situation clearly reflects an existential crisis: an over-developed side of the human brain on one hand and a lesser developed side of the brain on the other. 

Looking around us, anyone can easily see that it is still a man's world. A lot of women have turned into men (so to speak) because they have repeatedly ignored what belongs to the sacred feminine. The female, non-rational thinking is based upon intuition and other 'round' feelings who are more difficult to explain then the rational 'straight' male behavior. And because it is harder to explain, men in the past have made the stupid mistake to simply ignore it. In fact they said: 'It is to hard to explain.' And that became: 'It can't be explained. It is not meant to be explained. Therefor it is not interesting.' And there we are now. Still.

Time, men figured, was a line. A straight one. Off course. With an arrow. In the beginning, there was nothing. Then everything started and evolved and now mankind is at it's peak. 'Look around you! See the skyscrapers! Not bad for a bunch of wild cavemen, huh!'
What the female side of the brain has known since the beginning, is that time is not a straight line with an arrow from the left to the right; time is a circle. Time is cyclic. And this means that there have been already a lot of ups and downs. You see, it's only when a certain lesson has been learned, that a certain cycle - or Round - comes to an end and exceeds itself. Those moments are moments of creation because a certain 'system' then transforms or mutates into a new 'system'. For those who know nothing of the mysterious round ways of Life, it seems that something came from nothing. Those who know better, understand that there was always a previous cycle or Round that came to an end, producing something new. 

The story of the world and of mankind is far more complex then what we have been told when we were innocent children. The remains of the first people on this earth will never be found because the first people were never as physical as we are today. 

Anyone who has an open mind can do some research and discover that the real story of our kind - the story of the first 'spiritual' or more mental people - is being told in the myths of our planet. Because of the male dominated view, those myths are still not taken seriously. Luckily for us, the female point of view has never forgotten where she came from. Today she has begun her uprising. Snow white is awakening from a long, long sleep...

In less then a month from now, the God and Goddess will meet again. On 21 december 2012 the male and female sides of the cosmic brain will be united, therefor giving us people that exact same opportunity on this level of existence. 21 december will become known as the date when male domination finally came to an end. The prince kisses snow white because he wants to live with her again...

It's going to be the best christ-mas ever!