vrijdag 30 november 2012


i was able to be present at a lecture in Ghent of Dr. Pim van Lommel, the dutch cardiologist who became famous after he published his mind-blowing research in his book Endless Consciousness. I quoted Pim several times in my own book, so you can understand i was really glad to be there. But i was even more happy when i heard Pim say that people should start to listen - really listen - to people who have experienced what is common known as a 'near-death-experience', an 'outside physical experience' or an 'experience of unity'. So actually people who haven't had such an experience, should start listening to people like me ;) Funny, indeed, because that is the first time i hear a modern doctor say something like that out loud. The usual reaction sounds more like 'you better keep your mouth shut because you don't want people to think that you are crazy...'

Times are changing. Four hundred years ago, people like me would have been probably burnt alive. Forty years ago, i would have probably ended up in a mental institution. But how many of those so called 'ill' people knew things everyone could have profited from? Coming to think of it, what so called modern conquerors have done to so called primitive tribes all over the world, is also too terrible for words...

The arrogance of modern science is one of our biggest problems today. But if you cannot embrace other points of view, what will you have learned in the end but just being very obstinate? Modern science still thinks that consciousness is a product of the brain. Luckily for us, Dr. Pim van Lommel has had the guts to open his mind and eyes and today he stands on the barricades saying and stating the exact opposite: consciousness is everywhere and the human brain operates like an interface. Quote: The voice in the telephone is not in the telephone. The internet is not in your laptop. The telephone and laptop are interfaces, just like the human brain. The human brain can be compared with a television. It can run different channels but which channel is entirely up to you, up to your own consciousness. 

People who have experienced an 'outside the physical body experience', all state that this experience was far more 'real' then anything they have ever experienced before. They heard better. They saw better. They were smarter because they understood everything,... This kind of consciousness has nothing to do with hallucinations, delusions or illusions but simply is a higher consciousness, also known as a transcendent consciousness, often linked with meditation-practices and described by many people all over the world. 

In my opinion, it is no coincidence that today over 25 million people have experienced this extra-ordinary consciousness. I think that is how we are supposed to evolve to the next level of existence. By talking (and writing) about it, and other people listening (and reading), we are able to transform our reality for ever. To the better, off course, because if there is one thing that identifies a 'near death experience' it is that when you are 'dead' there is nothing to be afraid of any more. It is when you are alive that you should listen very carefully to yourself because your 'self' can be your biggest enemy but also you biggest friend and teacher. Your true intentions are what count (up) in the end and that's what makes living so valuable. That's what makes every minute count and every thought precious.

You see, LOVE is the only law in this wonderful universe. Your physical body is temporarily, but you will take your LOVE anywhere with you because LOVE is the endless, timeless, highest consciousness of which all things are made.
Whether you have loved, or not, decides where you will be born again. So forget and put aside everything that has nothing to do with LOVE and start living your life as it should be lived. LOVE without wasting anymore time on other things.

Good luck :)