December 6, 2012. I quote: 'Here at Categorists, we are very much concerned with that which the brighter minds of this world do to occupy themselves. Each of us is majoring in, or have majored in sciences in college (Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, and last but not least, Political Science) and a project that i have personally kept close watch over is CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This year, i have spent a great deal of time studying one of the building blocks of the physical world, quantum mechanics, only to find that there are numerous unexplained phenomenon. Apparently, a number of these answers are in the LHC. Here is a quick synopsis of what CERN is and what the LHC does.
CERN stands for Organisation europeenne pour la recherche nucléaire, which translates to European Organization for Nuclear Research. It's an international organization that leads the world in laboratory particle physics research. It is also the proud owner of the most badass particle accelerator to date: the Large Hadron Collider. It is 17 miles long and cost 7,5 billion Euros to construct. One of it's main purposes is to discover the Higgs-Boson particle, which is pretty much the final missing link to the standard model of particle physics. Aside from that, it is theoretically capable of forming particles of infinite density and chain reaction properties (Strange Matter). To this day, the Higgs-Boson is still theoretical and the LHC has faced many experiments and complications since it's induction in 2008. A large number of people believe that the experiments done at CERN could have catastrophic side effects, such as creating a black hole, here on Earth.
This year, CERN is beginning another set of experiments in hopes to getting that much closer to completing the Standard Model. Scientists at CERN have announced test dates for the rest of the year, as well as some curious dates can be found in the upcoming schedule. Starting Monday, December 17, 2012 and going through Friday, December 21, 2012, CERN will be launching and running a series of collisions, which are predicted to break records in high voltage collisions already set by the LHC. With these experiments, the scientists are hoping to create atomic reactions that would provide further information about anti-matter, and the big bang.
The test for the week of December 17-21, 2012 is the final test before the LHC will shutdown operations for upgrades and will resume operation in 2014, assuming something doesn't go wrong, in the minds of some of the scientists, terribly right, which causes the end of the world. I guess we will just have to see what happens. Let us know what you think: is CERN guilty of a self-fulfilling prophecy of destruction here?'
(From Boinnk!!!)
Whoever has already read my book 'Ziel in Zicht!' knows my point of view on this very hot topic. But anyone with a sane brain will tell you that it is insane to rape Mother Earth in order to gain basic information. The reason why so called 'modern' scientists believe there is nothing wrong with this perversity, is because they still live in a material world; they do not combine their technological know-how with deep and expanding spiritual concepts. Instead of being the avant-garde of this world, they are seriously running behind.
Off course it is anything but a coincidence that this test-week is planned for the days before and on the 21th of December 2012. Like a good friend has put it: 'CERN knows that a lot of power is coming our way, due to the alignment on the 21st of Dec. And they are not stupid. Off course they want to use this power.'
Let's get real. Like any scientific organization, CERN is financed by the haute-finance who manipulate/indoctrinate the 99%. So besides big business, CERN is also political. The 1% have worked very hard to organize their system and off course they want to keep control over it. You can imagine they will stop at nothing to prevent that something would happen that has nothing to do with their scientific belief-system; something that would be unexplainable from their 'modern' point of view. In a reaction to this eminent threat, they've decided to run this test-week.
In other words: whatever happens on the 21st of December, CERN can always claim responsibility. And the fact that they can, will create chaos; no matter what happens.
Think about it. The scenario works in every way. For example: if, all of a sudden, all electricity would fall out and the internet goes down, maybe they will tell us CERN used to much power, causing the problem. And then maybe they did use to much power, but maybe they didn't. Point is : who is to really say? You see, creating confusion has always been on the top of the list of the 1%. It is much easier to control people who don't know anymore what is the truth, and if the truth even exists... (Off course, there are people amongst us who know very well what is actually going on. Despite the fact that they are not being taken serious, they dedicate (most of) their lives to informing as many people as they can. Some of them work in a very material kind of way; others on more spiritual levels. You would be surprised if you knew how many people send constantly good vibes to others.)
Even bad news - like the possible creation of a black hole - will be good news. If this world would evolve towards a higher level where peace and love and understanding come before money, the die-hard moneymakers would be put out of business and rather give up this world and sacrifice everyone, including themselves.
So what about the good news? What if on the 21st of Dec. some 'light' hits the Earth, making everyone all of sudden aware of things that were forgotten for so long? What if we all get struck by this light and understand we have to change? That the present materialistic standpoint is far to primitive and we need to start living in a spiritual way? What if CERN will present this global epiphany as the result of their creation of the so called 'God-particle'? What then?
Let's get real. Like any scientific organization, CERN is financed by the haute-finance who manipulate/indoctrinate the 99%. So besides big business, CERN is also political. The 1% have worked very hard to organize their system and off course they want to keep control over it. You can imagine they will stop at nothing to prevent that something would happen that has nothing to do with their scientific belief-system; something that would be unexplainable from their 'modern' point of view. In a reaction to this eminent threat, they've decided to run this test-week.
In other words: whatever happens on the 21st of December, CERN can always claim responsibility. And the fact that they can, will create chaos; no matter what happens.
Think about it. The scenario works in every way. For example: if, all of a sudden, all electricity would fall out and the internet goes down, maybe they will tell us CERN used to much power, causing the problem. And then maybe they did use to much power, but maybe they didn't. Point is : who is to really say? You see, creating confusion has always been on the top of the list of the 1%. It is much easier to control people who don't know anymore what is the truth, and if the truth even exists... (Off course, there are people amongst us who know very well what is actually going on. Despite the fact that they are not being taken serious, they dedicate (most of) their lives to informing as many people as they can. Some of them work in a very material kind of way; others on more spiritual levels. You would be surprised if you knew how many people send constantly good vibes to others.)
Even bad news - like the possible creation of a black hole - will be good news. If this world would evolve towards a higher level where peace and love and understanding come before money, the die-hard moneymakers would be put out of business and rather give up this world and sacrifice everyone, including themselves.
So what about the good news? What if on the 21st of Dec. some 'light' hits the Earth, making everyone all of sudden aware of things that were forgotten for so long? What if we all get struck by this light and understand we have to change? That the present materialistic standpoint is far to primitive and we need to start living in a spiritual way? What if CERN will present this global epiphany as the result of their creation of the so called 'God-particle'? What then?
Conclusion: anyone who works for the Light, the Peace and the Liberation of all Mankind, will take seriously into account the fact that CERN will soon be radiating a very specific energy. While the Cosmic Alignment is taking place and Earth will be given the chance to transform, the energy spread by CERN will interfere with the cosmic radiance.
I wish us all the best of luck!