vrijdag 28 december 2012

Arrogance or ignorance?

These past days, i have stumbled over and over again upon the fact that 'the Maya's were wrong'. Nothing happened on the 21st of Dec. and therefore it is 'proven' that all this speculation, this hype, was/is total bullshit. People that did believe something wild would happen, made fools of themselves and the rest is now warned: 'In the future, if you listen to people like that, you also make a fool of yourself.' 

I can't stress enough that the Maya's were not wrong! It is our Western society that doesn't understand the Maya's for they had a united, cosmic view of the world. 

The end of the world, the Apocalypse, for example, is not a one time event! It is a period during which a new paradigm takes the place of an older one. Sometimes this changing-places goes unnotified. Sometimes there is a lot of noise and chaos. But most of the time it just feels like growing.  

The world is changing towards more awareness. The 21st of Dec. 2012 was an actual turning-point. The road we take from here, will shape our future. 

The dark and desperate attempts that men have made to explain the world - explanations that have denied the Mother Goddesses of the Earth - were ideas of the 'self'. The supreme male which has been defined as separate and individual will someday be seen as a great farce (not force!). Church philosophers and other rational warriors labeled the feminine ways of knowing as mythology that was evil and dangerous. It has been the attack and dismemberment of Goddess philosophy that led humanity into its current state of spiritual desperation. 

I pray with all my heart, that women and men regain their sacred ways of knowing and initiating human souls into the realms of Universal Love and respect for all life. 

I quote John. Spinney: 'For so many centuries, the Goddesses of women and the feminine aspects of being have been denigrated and oppressed. For ages, masculine and patriarchal dominant cultures have repressed myth, mysticism, nature and the feminine ideas of oneness. To understand this oppression is to understand the purpose and destiny of human beings on Earth. It is to understand why the tree of Western scientific and intellectual knowledge precariously stands on entangled and suffocating roots. This oppression has not only robbed the true power of women, but has enchained men as well in cycles of fear and destruction. And it has kept a stranglehold on the spiritual development of all humanity.'